Saturday, January 31, 2015

Week 4, Reading Diary A: Ancient Egyptian Mythology

Ancient Egyptian Myths

This first half of the Ancient Egyptian myths was very interesting. I found a lot of similarities between some bible stories and these Egyptian stories.

Ra and Hathor
This story was about Ra and how he became angry at the people that called him old. He was going to flood the world, but decided to just send Hathor, the eye of Ra, down to slaughter his enemies. As she was wading through the blood of the fallen, Ra had a change of heart and poured 7,000 jars filled with beer on the earth to flood it. Hathor then became drunk. From then on the people would give beer as an offering to the goddess.

The Journey of Isis
Set, Osiris' brother, wanted to kill Horus, Osiris' son, so he could rule. Isis, Horus' mother, took him and ran away. Long story short, Osiris's body was eventually chopped into 14 pieces and thrown in the Nile. The crocodiles would not eat the pieces because they were afraid of Isis, but a fish ate his penis. Isis found the 13 pieces and erected temples over those pieces but never found the piece the fish ate. I was thinking maybe a story about the the 14th piece and the fish might be interesting.

The Green Jewel
In this story, King Sneferu was walking around bored one day. He went to his scribe and whined that he was bored. The scribe suggested that he get 20 of his virgins and let them row him around the lake. This apparently turned out to be a good idea until one of the girls lost a green jewel from her hair in the lake. She pitched a fit and wouldn't go anywhere until she got that exact jewel back, so the King went and told his scribe. The scribe came back to the lake and muttered a spell to part the waters to find the jewel and they all lived happily ever after.
Emerald Teardrop by ARTG33K74. Source: Deviant Art


  1. I also read the Ancient Egyptian Mythology for my reading diary this week. I enjoyed most of the stories I read within the unit. Even though some of the stories were hard to read I found them interesting. I enjoyed the stories about Osiris and his wife Isis. I thought it was cool that you said these stories were somewhat similar to the bible stories because I kind of thought the exact same thing.

  2. Bible stories are usually just assimilations of other stories, so it didn't surprise me too much, but I didn't expect them to be so similar at times.
