Thursday, January 8, 2015

Week 1: Storybook Favorites

When Brothers Cross Paths

by Tracey Ferguson. The design for this storybook was nice. Nothing in particular really caught my eye, but the title of the storybook did and when I saw it was about Supernatural AND the Brothers Grimm, I couldn't resist. He/she did a great job on the crossover of the Grimm brothers and the Winchester brothers from Supernatural, I was actually reading it in their voices in my head. The writing was great and I wanted to keep reading. The stories were good, but the navigation was a little cumbersome since you had to scroll all the way back to the top to get to the next story.

The Werewolf story was great and the Siren/Mermaid mash up was good too. I really liked the Hansel and Gretel re-make where they die as it gives the Grimm brothers some "regret" in their story. And in the last story, if only Azazel was that easy to kill! LOL

Samhain Sagas

by Chelsea Lott. The design was not as fluid as it could have been, but the name of the storybook and the pictures used on the home page caught my attention. I have been studying Celtic witchcraft for two and a half years now, so I was very interested in reading these stories. And OH, that girl has a sick twisted sense of humor! Just out of curiosity I clicked "No" on the question of if I wanted to survive, and unfortunately my volume was up loud ... Needless to say I almost had a heart attack and an epileptic seizure at the same time LOL. The font she used is perfect and the link to the next story makes the navigation easy for you to keep going.

The first half of the introduction is awesome! The writing, the tone, the lilt to the sentences, the build up...beautiful! Even though I took nine years of bible class in school this retelling of the creation story and the story of Lucifer is GREAT! If this woman is not writing books professionally, she needs to be asap! I just now realized that I read through all of the stories without writing anything else down because I was that engrossed in the stories. The whole storybook of Samhain was awesome!

Collage of pictures from Samhain Sagas

Woman in White

by Chris McIntosh. I LOVE the artwork he used on the home page. Very fitting! What caught my attention is the subject. If you can't tell, there is a theme to the type of stories that I like :) And after reading through the first story, I've noticed that everyone of these storybooks have an element of the show Supernatural in them. I can't believe it's taken me until now to start watching them since they clearly have a great influence on us creepy-ghost-freaky type :) These stories were okay. Probably like something I would write, Okay, but kind of awkward. Of course, after reading the Samhain Sagas, anyone that's not a professional will seem awkward. I did love his ending though...very sweet :)


  1. You picked some wonderful projects to look at here, Nicole! Supernatural has inspired a couple of projects for this class, and as you can see there are always lots of supernatural, horror, mystery projects that people do, and it's really cool when they come up with a dramatic ending, something that gives a new meaning to the whole project. One of my all-time favorite endings was for this one: Tales of Gothic Creatures. I hope you will have fun brainstorming project topics/styles in the coming weeks! :-)

  2. Oh my goodness! I really like Supernatural as well. How original for someone to use their characters in a story. I agree with you the writing was great, very descriptive. It really made you feel like you were in the story with them. I agree that it was a little annoying to have to scroll back up every time, although, I wouldn’t know how to solve that problem myself. Thanks for drawing my attention to this storybook! I would have never guessed what it was about by just glancing at the title.
