Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Week 1, Introduction: Can, open, worms, everywhere!!!!!!

Friends Logo. Web Source: Wikimedia Commons
(used this because I couldn't use the "Can, open, worms, everywhere" meme
from that episode, and yes, it is one of my most favorite shows and yes, I quote from it often)

Well, this is a loaded question for me. I am 36 so I have done a lot of living and it is all pretty crazy, not Maury crazy, but maybe Springer crazy. I usually tend to way over share when asked this question because to me, my life story is the only thing that is remotely interesting about me. Nothing life inspiring, but it's definitely crazy. So, you asked for it...

I was born in Macon, Georgia. Raised by a single mom. No southern belle here, more like a cross between Shelby and Ouiser from Steel Magnolias. Fast forward to 1994, 16 year's old, mother remarried and drug me KICKING AND SCREAMING to Oklahoma. Thrown into a Creek traditional culture family. Learned how to stomp dance and still go to this day. Was pretty smart, valedictorian, but it was in Dustin, OK and I only graduated with 3 other people, so not so impressive after all, LOL. Went to college, met my first husband and we married at 18. Divorced by 19, married again by 21, pregnant at 22. I had my baby girl in July of 2000. She was 9lbs 14.8oz and I wear that number like a badge on my sleeve. Ask your mothers kiddies...and I had no pain medication or epidurals. Yes, I was stupid...girls, trust me, take the drugs! Fast forward to 2004, 26 years old, divorced again, single mother, dead end job at a newspaper. I started going back to school for my degree in CAD (Computer Aided Drafting) part-time at night while I worked full-time during the day for 4 years. I graduated in 2008 with an associates in Drafting at the age of 30. I had also gotten remarried (that's the third one for those keeping count) in 2006, but this one was a keeper! Got pregnant, on purpose this time, and had my baby boy in March of 2009. I also learned in 2009 that who I had spent my whole life thinking was my real dad, was not my real dad. Who I thought was my real dad was never around, but after 31 years of thinking one way, it was a little life changing...had a mini-life crisis, but I'm over it...maybe. Still happily married though...8 years going strong :)

(Image Information: Personal photo of my family from October 2013)

So, in 2013 I decided that I was tired of working office jobs, which I had to because the economy had taken a turn for the shitter after I got my degree and no one was hiring drafters. I went to UCO onbe semester for interior design and decided that it was NOT what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. SO, after some soul searching, I realized I wanted to be an archaeologist, and had since about the age of 9 or so, but I had thought it was just for old, rich, white men. I couldn't have been more wrong. I am three semesters in and have a lot more to go, but I have definitely found what I was meant to do.

Now, for some fun stuff:
Favorite Author: Stephen King and JK Rowlings, oh and Deborah Harkness...
Favorite Book: Anything by Stephen King, but I really like Insomnia and The Dark Tower series and all of the Harry Potter books and the All Souls Trilogy by Harness
Favorite TV Shows: In my 4th season of binge-watching Supernatural, Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead (got to meet Norman Reedus in November...I'm still speechless), American Horror Story, The Originals, Arrested Development, Family Guy...
Favorite Movies: The Lost Boys, Practical Magic, Steel Magnolias, The Crow, Clerks II, Dumb and Dumber, Labyrinth, LOTR, Harry Potter
Favorite Music: Tool, A Perfect Circle, Slip Knot, Korn, Seether, Breaking Benjamin, Snoop Dogg, Chevelle, The Allman Brothers Band, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Prince, Eminem, Queen, STP, Nirvana (I did grown up in the early 90's) and many more, but I won't bore you with the whole list :)

Anyway, so that's me in a nutshell...


  1. Ha ha, now i am thinking somebody needs to make a can of worms meme at Cheezburger or something... because Friends episode or not, it is one of the great visual metaphors of all time! Anyway, I think it is so cool that you discovered at last the world of professional archaeology. Because of the Arch Survey, OU has so much to offer, too. Very exciting! Long ago I used to work for IT at OU, and I was liaison for the Survey then; I learned so much from working with them. And this must be the third or fourth time that I have seen a reference to Deborah Harkness this week, so I guess that is a sign that I have to read her! (You know how that is, when you have never heard of something and then all of a sudden it seems like you are seeing it over and over again.) Meanwhile, I hope you will enjoy the class... I can think of about a thousand Storybook topics that might interest you...! And, of course, I hope you will find lots of cool stories via this class that you will want to share with your children. Children need stories! LOTS of stories! :-)

  2. Well, for starters, I'm an older student as well so we definitely have that in common. However, I am a "little" older than you. Lol. It also took me more time to figure out just exactly what I wanted to be when I grew up. I'm glad that you finally found your career path and soul mate too. I also found my soul mate later in life after a couple failed relationships. Even though I'm not much of a reader, we do have many of the same interests in movies, TV shows, and music. Even though I don't find reading very interesting, I do love to read books with my children. My all time favorite TV show is The Walking Dead. I can't wait for it to start back up again in February. In addition, my favorite movies include the LOTR movies and some of my favorite bands are STP, Korn and Queen.

    1. Yay for us old folks :) ... and yeah, I can't wait for the Walking Dead to come back. I got to go to Comic Con in Tulsa in the Fall and met Norman Reedus and saw Michael Rooker (Meryl), 'Shane' and 'Herchel' talk in a panel...it was really cool :)

  3. ah Friends...I didn't get into the TV show until about half way through (around season 5) but now the re-runs are on all over the place at any given time, so it's easier to watch. And, now that they are on Netflix I'm sure they will have more fans. My husband bought me the 10 seasons box set for Christmas one year. That was probably the best present in the world!

  4. Hey, Nicole! It’s great to be in the same class as you. I think it’s very admirable that you’re going back to school to do what you really want, rather than settling for any job and being unhappy. I’m sure one day your kids will also look up to you for how much work you put in to make the future brighter for them. On a lighter note, I love Harry Potter as well and was very sad when the series was over. Heard she was making some spin-offs though? Super neat!

    1. Yea, I had heard that too about HP. I recently joined Pottermore LOL

  5. I love your header!! I love that show!! I'm so excited that all 10 seasons are on Netflix now!! JK Rowling is an amazing author! I'm so obsessed with Harry Potter that my friends think I'm crazy. I think it is so cool that you're going to school for archaeology. American Horror Story is also one of my favorites!! I'm really curious as to how they're going to do the season finale. I don't think it's at a point for it to end.

    1. Yea, I'm pretty excited about it being on Netflix too. Now I won't have to pull out my DVDs :)

  6. Hi Nicole! Wow you weren't kidding about having an interesting life, I can't imagine the culture shock that comes with finding yourself suddenly part of a Creek traditional culture family. I actually binge watched Supernatural last summer haha and let me tell you it is absolutely worth it. I like the idea of going back to school for something you've wanted to do since you were 9. My dad recently realized he wasn't getting all he wanted out of his current degree so he actually started an online masters program just last week to try to do the same kind of thing!

    1. How awesome for your dad! Tell him I said congrats :) Also, I just got to the episode where Bobby died, I'm still depressed :(

  7. I'm so glad you finally found what you wanted to do--it's always a great feeling when you feel like you found something you are passionate about! I would say I'm pretty passionate about FRIENDS--what a great show! I bought myself all the seasons of the show over the summer because I was obsessed with everyone on that show! So glad to have you at OU! And I think you have some pretty great tastes in TV shows, books and music! A lot of those are things that I love as well! Nice to meet you and I hope this semester goes well for you! :)

    1. Thanks! Yea, my DVDs of all 10 seasons is one of my most prized possessions LOL

  8. Hi Nicole-

    As soon as I read that you are a Friends fan, I knew you must be a good person. I am a big fan of The Walking Dead. Where did you meet Norman Reedus? He's such a great character on the show. I've seen interviews with him. He seems like a nice guy! I'm impressed by your drive and determination to find what you wanted to do with your life. I feel like so many people settle and stick to a career they don't like just because they don't want to put for the effort. Very cool. Your kids look really happy!

    1. There was a Wizard World ComicCon in Tulsa in November of last year. I wasn't going to pay the 80 dollars to get an autograph, but after I walked by just to get a picture of him, I had to, I couldn't help myself! LOL And yes, he was sooooo nice. Also, Sean Patrick Flanery was there too, from Boondock Saints, he was pretty awesome too. I should have put my signed picture in my post...I may have to go back and add that :D

  9. Nice to meet you Nicole! I love American Horror Story. Which is weird for me as I'm not the biggest scary movie person but I watched a few episodes and have been hooked since. I'm only caught up with what is currently on Netflix but I think there is a season currently on TV. Archaeology sounds very interesting. I took an introductory course in archaeology as one of my general education classes freshman year (Great Discoveries in Archaeology I think?) and it ended up being one of the more entertaining classes I've taken here. Better late than never finding out what you want to do! I wondered around aimlessly for a few semesters myself until I found what was best for me. It is definitely better feeling like you are happy with your decision than hoping it all works out!

  10. I love the TV show Friends. People tend to ask me if I was named after Rachel from the show. The picture of you and your family is absolutely beautiful and it sounds like you guys are an amazing unit! I hope that things work out for you on the archeological front! That sounds like a really interesting career path and something totally unique! Good Luck!

  11. Hello Nicole nice to meet you. I think that people's lives are the thing that make them interesting so don't sell yourself short. Also, Macon Georgia, well then summer time here must feel pretty dry to you lol. 9 pound baby ouch...wear that badge of honor proudly mamm...Well it was great meeting you and good luck on the rest of the semester....

  12. Hey Nicole I enjoyed reading your introduction. I'm from upstate South Carolina so not that far from Macon, Georgia. Glad to hear that you are happily married and for eight years. That is a long time! I find it interesting that you went from CAD to archeology. I have not met anyone wanting to become an archeologist so that is really cool. Good luck in the future!

  13. Hello Nicole! Wow, what a life story, very interesting! Thanks for sharing. I think it is cool that you worked for a newspaper, my dad owns my hometown newspaper so I grew up round the newspaper business my entire life! I think it is awesome that you are pursuing a career in archeology, I don't know anyone else doing that! Way to keep following your dreams and good luck in the future!

  14. First off great picture of the family. My family is never in one place to get everybody in the pictures we take, so congrats on that! I think it is really cool you decided to come back to school and pursue your dream. A lot of people don't want to take the time to go back, and I am sure they probably end up regretting that. Good luck on finishing up your degree and wish you the best for the future!

  15. Wow! What an adventure you have had. It only seems right to chose to do something like archeology where you can continue to explore and adventure! I also love American Horror Story, but was a little disappointed in this season so I stopped watching. I loved Coven and the very first season. Your Steel Magnolias reverence is pretty great. I always think it's more fun relating real people to fictional people.

  16. Hi Nicole!
    You’re life has definitely been an interesting one! I’m glad you finally found your Mr. Right! The family picture you used in your post is absolutely adorable and your daughter looks just like you!
    I noticed that we have similar tastes in movies. I love The Lost Boys, Practical Magic, and The Crow! I was excited when I saw The Crow listed as one of your favorite movies because most of my friends have never even heard of that movie.
    Good luck in pursuing your degree in Anthropology!

  17. Wow! What a wild ride! I’m sure a life that interesting has given you plenty of experience and wisdom that you can pass down to your kids! They’re really adorable! I think it’s so awesome that you’re going back to school to do something you love. To me, that’s what life should be about. Archaeology is a field I thought about going into, so I can see why you’d want to do it!

  18. Wow, I wish I had your ability to share everything about me as openly as you do. I'm impressed! I've never really gotten into Friends much, more of a Seinfeld guy if I do say so myself. That's crazy that you're graduating class was only four people! I'm from Flower Mound, Texas and our graduating class was over 750. It was huge! Anyways, it's great to meet you, I always enjoy reading other people's introductions.

  19. It sounds like we're the opposite when it comes to these things. Whereas you tend to over share, I tend to stick to my typical, boring response. However, I seem to share your taste in TV shows, so I'm going to toss out a recommendation for House of Cards. I know that I've really enjoyed it, and I have friends that have, too. If you watch it, I hope you like it!

  20. It is nice to meet you Nicole! You have a lovely family. I noticed that you mentioned that you watch Breaking Bad. I love Breaking Bad! I watched and finished it last year. My favorite character was Jesse Pinkman. I also liked Saul as well. He was pretty funny. Who is your favorite character? I really enjoyed reading you introduction. I look forward to reading more of your blog!

  21. I think it is amazing that you are finally going for what you want. That is great! I am also a little older than most. I am 25 and I have two kids. So I think you should wear that 9lb 14.8 oz as a badge of honor! Mine were 6lbs 7oz and 6lbs 9oz so I think you are amazing! Well I hope you continue to go for what you want in life!

  22. Nicole- I appreciate your candid-ness (or however that should be said). It sounds like you have lived a lot of life in your years and had some great experiences and learning opportunities. I admire you for finishing college with a family. I know that I could probably not do that. Good luck on your dream of becoming an archeologist. You will get there :)

  23. Hello, Nicole! Wow, I love your openness! And you have a gorgeous family! I love that you've seemed to embrace your past. I know a lot of people that try to hide from their past instead of learning from it. Also, Im so so glad that you finally figured out what you want to do! That's so fantastic. I worry sometimes that I won't be happy with my degree once I get it, but knowing that I can always try again for something else later in life is reassuring.
    Anywho, good luck on getting your degree! :)

  24. Hi Nicole, it is nice to meet you. Your introduction caught my attention right away after seeing the friends logo. I love Friends and am so excited that they have it on Netflix now. I can relate to you as well since I was raised by a single mom. I love hearing about how happy people are once they are married. Your family looks very happy. I enjoyed reading your introduction!

  25. Nicole,

    I am rather fond of the Friends logo that you used. It is a favorite show of mine and I watch it every single time I can with my roommate. Congrats on earning your anthropology degree, or rather being in the process of earning it. I have always found that and sociology interesting, but just never something I would want to pursue professionally. I bet you are excited to have all of your schooling done.

  26. You have certainly had your experience moving around and adjusting! I think that would be so helpful to one's creative spirit, and that definitely comes out in your writing. You've undoubtedly had many adventures and experiences to draw on, and it's great to see and feel that come out in your work. Look forward to reading more of your stuff!
