Yes. I have really liked being able to go back and read some of the people's writings that I have liked before.
What kinds of interactions do you think are most helpful in creating good connections online in a class like this?
I think the "forced" interactions between students so far have been a good way to interact.
What kinds of comments have been most useful to you so far on your blog posts?
If you have received Project comments, have those been useful so far?
Yes and Yes. I have gotten really useful comments and critiques from multiple people on what would make my stories more readable.
When you are leaving a short comment, what do you usually focus on?
For short comments, I tend to focus on the story at a whole and any obvious mistakes.
When you are leaving a long comment on a Project, what is your focus?
For long comments, I tend to focus on the story as a whole, specific pieces of the story, the design and flow.
What is the easiest part for you about writing comments? What is the hardest part?
The hardest part is finding something to critique. The easiest is revealing the parts that I liked best.
Do you do a lot of commenting on other students' work in your other classes? Is your major one in which peer comments are generally an important part of the classes you take?
I do not take any classes that have peer reviews like this.
How do you make use of comments when you revise your writing?
I usually read the comments and first fix grammatical or spelling mistakes and then I see if any of the other suggestions could be useful.