The Two Brothers
This story has 4 parts, which makes it long, but it is very interesting. Anpu is the older brother who is married and Bata is the younger brother. Bata plows the fields for Anpu and his wife and is basically a care taker of his brothers farm. One day Bata is planting the field and goes to Anpu's house to get seeds. Anpu's wife then hits on him. Bata turns her down and goes back to work. The wife then tells Anpu that Bata tried to hit on HER. So, of course, the brother took the woman's word for face value and went to kill his brother. Bata could understand what the animals said, and they warned him that his brother was coming to kill him. Bata prayed to Ra to help him and so a stream popped up between them with crocodiles. Bata then told his brother what his wife did. Bata told his brother that he was going to go somewhere else to live and that his soul would be in the highest acacia tree, and when it was cut down he would know because his beer would go rancid. He told his brother to put his soul in a cup of water and I will grow back. Yea, that was a really weird story, but hey...Anyway, Anpu killed his wife and mourned his brother. Meanwhile, the gods made a wife for Bata. A piece of Bata's wife's hair went down the river and made the King want her, so he sent people to get her. The scribes cut down the trees and killed Bata. Anpu's wine turned rancid, so he went to find his brother's soul. The brother came back as a bull. Anpu and the bull went to see his ex-wife and Bata, the bull, told her he was Bata. The wife had the King sacrifice the bull. Two drops of blood fell and trees grew. The tree's told her that they were Bata, so she had the trees cut down. A piece of wood went into her mouth and made her pregnant. After the King died and appointed his son as king, Bata revealed that he was the son and had his ex-wife put to death. The end.
The Book of Thoth
This story has 3 parts and is very interesting also. This is about a man, Nefer-ka-ptah, who wants to get the book of Thoth, which contains all the magic and knowledge of everything. It is in the middle of a river in Koptos, in 6 boxes within boxes, and surrounded by snakes and scorpions and one snake that cannot be killed. Long story short, Nefer got the book and it pissed Thoth off so much that he asked Ra to let him have vengeance so Ra said, sure why not! Thoth then drowned and killed Nefer's son, wife and then Nefer himself. But, before he did that, Nefer had copied one of the spells onto a piece of papyrus, washed it in beer and then drank the beer that had the ink from the spell in it. I thought this would be a cool story to spin off for the storytelling portion.
"The Great Library of Alexandria" by VonCorven. Source: Wikimedia Commons