Saturday, March 28, 2015

Week 11, Reading Diary A: Celtic Fairy Tales I

Celtic Fairy Tales I

The Field of Boliauns
This story is about a man named Tom that saw a Leprechaun one day. The Leprechaun has a pitcher of beer and Tom wants to try it out. The Leprechaun was not very nice and was kind of being a bi*ch about it, so Tom got pissed and snatched him up, spilling the pitcher of beer in the process. That really made Tom mad, so he told the Leprechaun that he would kill him if he did not show him where his gold was. The Leprechaun told him it was under a specific boliaun in a field full of boliauns. Tom didn't have anything to dig with, so he put a red garter on the boliaun and went to get a shovel. He told the Leprechaun not to touch the garter, which he didn't. When Tom came back though, all the boliauns in the field had an identical red garter.

Leprechaun engraving. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

This story was also an interesting one and sounded vaguely similar to Snow White. There once was a king whose wife was named Silver-tree and whose daughter was named Gold-tree. Silver-tree would ask the trout in the well who the most beautiful queen in the world was and he would always answer Gold-tree. As you can imagine, Silver-tree tried to kill her daughter three different times. The third time was not the charm, though, since she ended up dying of poisoning.

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